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June 14-17, 2018, Guangzhou, China

  • Registration Fees

    • $ 200 (Regular) / 来自中国大陆的会议代表: ¥2,000人民币

    • $ 100 (Student)/ 来自中国大陆的学生代表:  ¥800人民币

    • $100 (Spouse)/ 中国大陆代表的配偶:           ¥650人民币

  • Payment Methods
    • For Delegates from Mainland China​ (中国大陆的代表)







  • For Delegates from Taiwan, Hongkong, and Macao

Either pay directly to account of ICTPA (HQ) as for delegates from USA and other regions,

Or: Direct to multi-currency account of MetroSolutions Limited
MetroSolutions Bank account information:

Bank name:                 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) Limited

Address of bank branch: Shop 4, G/F Chung on Building, 297-313, Sha Tsui Road, Tsuen Wan, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR

Bank SWIFT code:       UBHKHK

Account name:            MetroSolutions Limited

Account number:        716530006172

  • For Delegates from USA and other regions

Pay direct to account of ICTPA (HQ)
Make a check payable to: ICTPA
             c/o Alice Kuo, KUTC
             1536 W. 15th Street, G520, Lawrence, KS 66045                  
             (e-mail:, phone: 785-864-2599)

ICTPA Bank Information (for wire in money to our ICTPA Emprise Bank account directly)

International Chinese Transportation Professionals Association

Emprise Bank’s routing #: 101100579-74447165


Emprise Bank’s Address:

P. O. Box 2970

257 N. Broadway

Wichita, KS 67201

(316) 383-4301

  • Conference Hotel 

Baiyun Hotel (白云宾馆)

367 East Huanshi Road, Guangzhou, China (中国广州环市东路367号)

Tel: (008620)83333998-3128/3121     

Fax: (008620)83312500 



Special Rate can only be obtained by filling the Corporate Reservation Form            and return back via email

Special Room Rates (白云宾馆住宿报价).

Business Room,         RMB580   per night including breakfast

Deluxe Room,            RMB660   per night including breakfast

Executive Room,        RMB750   per night including breakfast

Suite,                          RMB1380 per night including breakfast

        Remark:  All the expense will be paid by guest.

        All the service charge and tax included in the above rate.

        Check-in time is 2:00pm, and check-out time is 12:00 noon.

Welcome to Guangzhou, China for the Wonderful International Transportation Conference!

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